A carbon negative
material with wood as a source.
With our first product FibraQ and our FibraQ compounds, you can replace your fossil-based plastic with FSC or PEFC certified wood.
Forests both store and release significant amounts of carbon as part of a natural cycle. Responsible forest management not only reduces a forest’s potential as a carbon source, it can also increase the effect of its carbon storage capacity.
Our solution enable paper and wood fibre producers to deliver material in existing supply chains of plastic products.
FibraQ is sourced from sustainably managed forest in Northern Europe.
PEFC certified raw material
​As for now FibraQ compounds can be mechanically recycled in a closed loop, and we estimate the re-processability is possible ​up to seven times​.
FibraQ compounds can be separated for recycling in various ways, including density-based and NIR-based methods.
If a FibraQ PP/PE compound has a fibre content below 20% it will be recycled with standard PP/PE in the current open loop system.
Benefits of using FibraQ to make a compound with recycled plastics:
Reduce shrinkage
Enhance dimensional stability
Improve strength
We are constantly researching and updating our data
with what we know now.
If you know more then we do, please feel welcome to share with us!
Trees play an important role in the carbon cycle by continually taking carbon out of the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis.
Growing trees act as a carbon sink. Absorbing more carbon dioxide then they release.
As trees grow, they store about 1 ton of carbon dioxide per cubic meter of wood
Carbon negative material, cradle to gate.
Source: SLU (The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)