13th of December Dagens Industri (the Nordics' largest business forum) published their major industry coverage "Forest", a 16 page special.
Read about the founding story and Biofiber Tech’s vision for the future by Founder & CEO Eric Zhang, Ph.D. How he set out to create a new industry value chain with his patented invention and the current focus on realising this vision step by step. And the current focus on scaling up production together with our forest industry partners and scaling up sales with our plastic industry partners.
"The Swedish forestry industry has a strong and important position in Swedish business life , and also a given place in Dagens Industri's news coverage. - Forest ownership is widespread - where we need to become even better at using the forest in a sustainable way - as several of the keys to achieving the goals in Agenda 2030 are found in the forest and in the use of wood & paper as a renewable and climate-smart resource for the sustainable society." - Dagens Industri
To read the article please turn to page 13 in the Di Skog special below.