In the presence of HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Biofiber Tech had the great honor to be invited as one of five impact Startups from Sweden to participate, exhibit and pitch on stage in front of 350 highly respected people at the French-Swedish Business Day in Paris on the 6th of December.

Decarbonisation of the Economy
The day started with a high level conference on the climate goals and recovery needs, focusing on innovation with new technologies and solutions, responsibilities, challenges, and opportuni
ties for companies in a circular economy and a world to be decarbonised.
The conference was opened by HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and was followed by inspiring keynote speakers like Anna Borg, CEO and President Vattenfall and Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, Finance. As well as high level panel discussion on the topics of:
The Economic Value Chain and Circular Economy, Mobility of the Future and Digitalisation, 5G as Platform for the Green Transition
We found the most inspiring to be The Economic Value Chain and Circular Economy. With high level discussions by the eminent panel of:
Anna Brodowsky, Vice President of Public Affairs Essity
Pascal Brun, Global Head of Sustainability H&M Lars Holmquist, Executive Vice President Sustainability & Communications Tetra Pak
Walter Kadnar, CEO & CSO IKEA France Pierre Perron, President & CEO Electrolux France
The participants in the panel could all agree on that the most important for succeeding with the decarbonisation with the speed that is needed is to collaborate and create partnerships. An example is the collaboration between Essity and Tetra Pak on recycling and the use of other wast material.

The discussion also touched base on raw materials and the right sources used for right products. Where Anna Brodowsky, Vice President of Public Affairs Essity as an example highlighted a project where they are looking at replacing wood as a source with alternative fiber from plant-based agricultural by-products. For the use in single used items.
The panel also agreed on some of the challenges facing us and change needed. Like how to work with our governments and see that the right regulations are there. To speed up the important transition and make sure new sustainable innovations can flourish.
We let a quote from Pascal Brun, Global Head of Sustainability H&M conclude the panel discussion.
"We need to dare and be bold, set high goals
without knowing how to achieve them"
French-Swedish Tech
& Innovation Exhibition
The French-Swedish Business Summit was then followed by an interactive Tech & Innovation Exhibition. With a special focus on innovation, co-creation and creative solutions developed by companies, entrepreneurs and by collaborations between start-ups and large companies.
Showcasing sustainable company solutions and innovative co-creations.
Our founder & CEO Dr. Eric Zhang had the great honor to present Biofiber Tech and our new material FibraQ in person to HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden.

We were also delighted to be invited to participate in the prestigious French-Swedish evening with the award of Prix d’Excellence 2021, organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in France in collaboration with Team Sweden.
The event was devoted to enterprises from the French-Swedish business community. Among the guests were high-level representatives from countries' economic, cultural and political spheres.
With the focus for this year being the green transformation, innovations, challenges and solutions for companies from the traditional industrial world and start-ups of the new economy.
And we had the privilege to hold a presentation on stage, being in the great company of &Repeat, ClimateView, Elonroad and Quizrr.
As the only Swedish start-up on stage working on material decarbonisation, our innovation is focusing on providing a scalable drop-in solution to substitute fossil plastics with a 100% wood fiber based biogranules FibraQ.

French-Swedish Business Summit
In the presence of HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden
The event is part of the French-Swedish Business Day and aims to promote Swedish exports, investments and Swedish impact business in France. It offers a platform to spread knowledge about Swedish companies, the Swedish brand and values in order to contribute to a stronger economic, political, and cultural exchange between Sweden and France. This occasion offers an excellent opportunity for high-level networking with decision-makers and entrepreneurs to develop Swedish-French partnerships, create new businesses and further trade relations between France and Sweden in both directions.
The event was a Team Sweden project, organized by the Chambre de Commerce Suédoise en France - CCSF, the Swedish Embassy Suède en France and Business Sweden with the support of French Embassy in Sweden and Business France.